07 Apr RELIGEN project team meeting in Tallinn
RELIGEN project team meeting
April 20-21, 2023, Tallinn, Estonia
On 20–21 April, the team members of the project “Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments” (ReliGen) will meet in Tallinn, Estonia, where they will discuss the results of the theoretical and empirical research as well as the collective monograph in progress on the relationship between religion and gender, religious ideologies and their interpretation and application in the daily life by women of faith, the impact of religion to gender equality policies in the Baltic States and Norway.
The project’s researchers will introduce and share insights on the monograph chapters they are writing and discuss ways to improve them to ensure they reach high-quality research standards and provide the knowledge required for sustainable development, application, and implementation of gender equality in modern society.
April 20, Thursday
19.00 – 19.30 Welcome. Introduction of meeting agenda.
19.30 – 21.30 Discussion about the movie “Before the Light” with its director Kristine Briede.
Chair: Anne Kull and Milda Ališauskienė
April 21, Friday
9.00 – 10.30 Session 1. Chair: Dace Balode
Milda Ališauskienė, Dace Balode, Linards Rozentals, Anne Kull and Artūras Tereškinas
The Complexity of Relationship between Gender Equality and Religion in the Baltic States: Private vs Public and Beyond. Reviewer: Aivita Putnina
Gintarė Pocė, Anne Kull, and Ilva Skulte
Religious Opinions on Gender Equality in the Baltic States: the Case of the Istanbul Convention and Sex Education. Reviewer: Artūras Tereškinas
Eglė Aleknaitė and Anne Hege Grung
Inter- and intra-religious alliances making gender and family politics in Norway and Lithuania: What is at stake, and for whom? Reviewer: Artūras Tereškinas
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30 Session 2. Chair: Anne Hege Grung
Artūras Tereškinas and Morta Vidūnaitė
Religion, Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Same-sex Partnership in Lithuania. Reviewer: Milda Ališauskienė
Aivita Putnina
Seeking Equality: Relational and Power-based Conceptualizations of Gender (in)Equality among Latvian Women of Faith. Reviewer: Olga Schihalejev
Eglė Aleknaitė, Anne Kull and Girts Rozners
The Interplay and Context of the Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran Women’s Attitudes towards Female Ordination, their Religiosity, and Views on Gender Equality in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Reviewer: Liina Kilemit
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 15.30 Session 3. Chair: Anne Kull
Olga Schihalejev, Rimgailė Dikšaitė, Laima Geikina and Anne Hege Grung
Intersections of Religion and Gender in General Education Programs of Baltic States and Norway. Reviewer: Marianne Bjelland Kartzow
Morta Vidūnaitė, Anastasia Babash and Anne Hege Grung
Between Gender Equality and Religion: The Baltic Muslim Women’s Quest for ’True’ Islam. Reviewer: Egdūnas Račius
Egdūnas Račius and Rimgailė Dikšaitė
Gender as a (Non)factor in Female Muslims’ Lives in Lithuania. Reviewer: Eglė Aleknaitė
Milda Alisauskiene and Liina Kilemit
Gender Roles and Family Practices among Pagan Women in Lithuania and Estonia: between Reconstruction of Tradition and Memories from Soviet Past? Reviewer: Anne Kull
15.30 – 15.45 Apple break
15.45 – 17.00 Discussion ‘What are our common future research directions and prospects?’ Chair: Milda Ališauskienė
This meeting is one of the activities of the research project “Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments”. The Project contract is with the Research Council of Lithuania, number S-BMT-21-4 (LT08-2LMT-K-01-036).