20 Feb ReliGen Researchers Started Analysing the Relationship Between Religion and Gender
On 19 February, the online kick-off meeting was held by the team of the project “Religion and Gender Equality: Developments in Societies of Baltic and Nordic Countries”, during which the project’s researchers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Norway introduced themselves to one another, discussed the research plans and methodology, and exchanged ideas and experiences between the project’s different countries.
According to the manager of the project “Religion and Gender Equality: Developments in Societies of Baltic and Nordic Countries”, Prof. Dr. Milda Ališauskienė, all researchers of the project will work in five different groups that will seek to deal with the project’s objectives:
- To investigate the development of gender equality concept and its perceptions in the Baltic and Nordic societies during the processes of transition from socialist to post-socialist and from industrial to post-industrial society;
- To research the inner developments within religious groups regarding gender equality covering both the minority and majority religions, their similarities and differences in the participating countries;
- To examine the interreligious developments related to gender equality in the participating countries;
- To research the role of religions in the construction of public discourse on gender equality in the participating countries;
- To examine the transmission of gender (in)equality through religious socialization, focusing on the textbooks of religious education in the participating countries.
“The project will provide the knowledge necessary for sustainable development, adaptation and implementation of gender policies, as well as preparation of specific measures suitable for specific national and regional contexts. The results will be presented to the academic community in the international conference and academic publications, as well as in events dedicated to the local communities and the media”, the project’s manager, VMU Prof. Milda Ališauskienė said.