Gintare Poce, PhD, Researcher at Vytautas Magnus University
Gintarė Pocė, PhD, is a researcher at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. In 2020 Gintarė Pocė defended her dissertation “Religion and Media in Lithuania: Features of Religious Diversity Discourse in 1990-2015”. Her research interest focuses on religion and media relations; religious diversity; coverage of religion in media; aspects of discrimination of minority religions and new religions.
Gintarė Pocė has experience in research projects, gives lectures to the public (journalists, members of religious minorities). One of her publications “Creating Otherness: Minority Religions and Media in Lithuania” (with co-author Milda Ališauskienė) was printed in the International Journal for the Study of New Religions.
In this project, Gintarė Pocė will research the role of religions in the construction of public discourse on gender equality.