20 Jul ReliGen project‘s researchers met in Tallinn
On April 20-21, 2023, the ReliGen (Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments) project team, consisting of researchers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Norway, met in Tallinn to discuss the research and publication plans. This meeting was organized by the University of Tartu.
The main aim of this meeting was to discuss the results of theoretical and empirical research, as well as to discuss the forthcoming collective monograph, which will focus on the relationship between religion and gender, the ideologies of religion and gender, the interpretation and application of these ideologies in the everyday lives of religious women, and on the influence of religion on the policy of gender equality in the Baltic States and Norway.
During the two-day meeting, the project researchers presented and shared insights on the ten monograph chapters they are writing and discussed how they could be improved to meet the standards of high-quality research and provide the knowledge needed for the sustainable development, application and implementation of gender equality in modern societies. A collective monograph edited by prof. Milda Ališauskienė, dr. Eglė Aleknaitė, and prof. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow will be published in 2024.
So far ReliGen project team has organized three methodological seminars for project participants and scholars of religions, PhD students, and postdocs on the study of religion and gender in the post-communist society; an international conference on the project results; and two local seminars informing religious communities, national and local government representatives about the results of the research, and discussing the possible recommendations for gender equality implementation with stakeholders. Also, the project team published four articles about the project results in the media and presented ten conference papers.
A special issue of the scientific journal is also planned to be published before the end of this year, and two local seminars will be organised in Lithuania and Latvia to inform religious communities, national and local authorities about the study results and to discuss them with stakeholders.